Do any of these sound familiar?

  • I have several medications that I take at different times throughout the day and often get confused which medicines Iā€™m supposed to take and when
  • I am looking for a easier way to manage my daily medications, I just don't have time for it!
  • I take care of a loved one who is on multiple medications throughout the day and could use some help managing them.
  • I have trouble remembering if I have taken my daily medications.
  • I have a child going away to camp, takes medication at school, or stays with family and would like peace of mind knowing they are taking their medications properly.

If you said," Yes, this sounds like me!" to any of these statements, Medication Manager may be the solution for you!

What is Medication Manager?

Medication Manager is a convenient prepackaged medication system designed to ease the worries and confusion of our customers who are prescribed several medications to take throughout the day.   Best of all, at Butt Drugs we are offering this service to our customers FREE of charge. Still not sure if the Medication Manager System is for you?  Watch this short informative video for more information!

How does Medication Manager work?

  • Easy to use with color coded prepackaged blisters that are labeled with a specific date and time each pack is to be taken.
  • Convenient tear apart blisters, detach the correct days or times and you are ready to travel, no more pill bottles to go!
  • All of your medications are listed in one convenient location in case of emergency.
  • No more hunting down the scissors with our easy to open pull tab blisters.  .
  • Cleaner and more efficient than pill boxes.
  • No more sorting pills, our pharmacist does all of the work for you!
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If you would like to enjoy the convenience and peace of mind of Medication Manager, please contact us today.  We can even deliver them directly to you or to your loved one FREE of charge - experience your local small town pharmacy difference!